Tamaki is easily annoyed by other people and shows dissatisfaction when her superiors are confronted by lower-rank Fire Soldiers. This, along with her bad luck, embarrasses her to no end. She is known to be very clumsy, which she blames her "Lucky Lewd Syndrome" for, which results in her getting into intimate situations, for which she blames others. Despite this, Tamaki has shown a friendly demeanour and kindness toward others, especially members of her brigade.

Tamaki has displayed vulgar qualities, such as being excessively loud, boastful and with the Special Fire Brigade uniform, wears the bare minimum. While under the effects of her Ignition Ability, Tamaki gains noticeable cat-like traits, which include two forked-tails, cat ears and claws. As a member of the 8th Special Fire Brigade, she wears a orange jumpsuit. Tamaki's collar is tied up with a string in a ribbon-like fashion that has a cross-like button on it. While off duty, during her time at the 1st, Tamaki wore a more modest outfit, which consists of a light dress, a dark-coloured garment with long sleeves over it, leggings, dark shoes and a headband. Her outfits previously contained patches with "1" on it, to signify Tamaki's affiliation to the 1st Special Fire Brigade. The sleeves of her jacket appear to be too long for the arms and the buttons are in the shape of cross-like symbols. Tamaki's torso is open, revealing her entire stomach area. Parts of her outfit are coated with blue lines. On missions, her outfit consists of dark undergarments, a protective outer jacket, a neck protector, dark boots and protective gloves. Tamaki is a young girl with long, straight dark hair tied into twintails.